InSite Ticket Portal / Report Site

InSite Support Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved


  1. Overview

    Requisites: This External User Interface (EUI) has some requirements that you may not necessarily need, but will make your experience with the site much more enjoyable. They are simple, you just need a web browser capable of JavaScript and css 2.
    If you're not sure of this, We've tried everything out in:

    • Internet Explorer versions 5.5 through 7
    • Firefox versions 1.0 through 3.0
    • Google Chrome
    • Safari
    • Opera versions 7 through 9

    However, if you should see anything in any other browser that does not look correct, please contact us and let us know

    Several things will present themselves throughout the EUI that should help you out. You will most likely notice the [?] and [P] used around the site. These should produce a tooltip to help you out on things we thought might be a little confusing ([?]) and to provide a quick glance at what the next link points to ([P]). Several other places have tooltips as well, and may not have a [?]. You will find them as you look around :).

    You should also see a helpful calendar application, either when you click on a field that accepts dates or when you click the calendar icon next to a date field. You should be able to simply select a date on that calendar

  2. Main Menu

    You may not have every option listed on this menu, however, this manual serves to show you most options available

    You should see the main menu on every page of the EUI. You may not, however see every option listed here Main Menu

    Your login will be at the top, and the links are categorized into Administrative privileges and reporting. The options we have listed under Admin are

    • Create/Update Tickets
    • Feedback Portal
    • Process Change
    • Manage Users

    and the options under Reports are

    • Search Tickets
    • Reporting
  3. Create/Update Tickets

    The most important field to select is Callback Type: there are 4 options

    • Requested Callback: Tells us that you want us to call the customer, either for the first time or call them back
    • Improper Troubleshooting: Tells us to call the customer back, we did not troubleshoot correctly the first time
    • Update Notes: Leaves the call in it's current state (we won't call them back yet), but allows you to update the notes
    • Resolve Ticket: Closes the ticket, and if we were scheduled to call the customer back, we no longer will try until further notice is given

    You will be performing one of three tasks with the tickets section.

    • Creating a new ticket for InSite Interaction
    • Updating an existing ticket for InSite Interaction
    • Creating/Updating a ticket to append notes
    1. Creating a New Ticket

      To create a new Ticket, select "Tickets" from the main menu.

      You may see a page here to select the company for which you wish to create a ticket, however, most of you will not see this as you have only one option

      Choose a Company

      Create a new ticket

      At this point, you will need to select a subscriber from our internal subscriber data base. Keep in mind that this is a list of subscribers that have called us, not a complete list of your subscribers, so you may have to create one.

      Search here using our database for your subscriber by Name, phone, or username, and then choose the correct one from the listing that follows. Search For Subscriber

      If you do not find your subscriber, click Add New Subscriber
      We need the last name, first name, username and phone number to be able to contact the customer later, but any additional information will help us better serve your customers.

      After adding or finding a subscriber, you will need to fill in some notes on how we should contact this customer, and why we need to contact them. Choose a preferred callback time (keep in mind we cannot guarantee this time will be accepted). Fill in their connection type and under "Callback Type" choose "Requested Callback". Fill in the appropriate problem categories starting from the left and moving right. Click "Submit" and you're done, Your notes are then in our system and waiting to be called!

    2. Updating an Existing Ticket

      The steps for updating an existing ticket are similar, either choose "Search for Ticket #" from the Ticket Interface, or "Search Tickets" from the main menu. Once you have found your ticket, choose "Update" at the far right of the result row

      Here you will see the history and be able to update the ticket. Choose the time, the appropriate Callback type, and fill out the notes.
      Update Existing Ticket

    3. Create/Update and ticket to append notes

      These steps are the exact same, but for Callback Type, choose "update Notes"

  4. Searching our Records

    Save your Searches!

    If you have been following this tutorial, you may have already seen our new Ticket Search tool. Let's go into detail now.

    Depending on your company profile, you may see different options than others inside this tool, most notably the "Reload Columns" button. This button will see which companies you have selected to see from the Company drop down and gather any data specific to those companies. This information goes into the "Search for" fields to be able to search based on these data, and into the "Include Columns" listing to be able to show these data on the results page.

    Search Form

    Choose a date range, connection type, and company where applicable. Choose a type of Ticket (All Tickets/Escalated Internally/Office/All Escalated), and some criteria and bam! you're done.

    Explanation of Items

    • All Tickets: Searches all tickets regardless of escalation
    • Escalated Internal: Searches all tickets that are escalated to our internal 2nd Level system
    • Escalated to Office: Searches all tickets sent to the office (your office)
    • All Escalated: Searches both the internal and office-bound tickets
    • Output to CSV: Sends the results, instead of to the results page, to a csv file (Comma Separated Values, easily imports into a spreadsheet application like Excel) that you can download
    • The search criteria directly below this can have multiple criteria to search on. Do you want to make sure all of the criteria are met, or will any match work? To make sure that all criteria are matched, choose Match all of the following. To allow for any match to return a result choose Match any of the following
    • Search for: Choose a criterion to search on
    • The next field is a list of:
      • is: exact match
      • is not: anything but that match
      • contains: matches but maybe with some extra "fluff"
      • does not contain: opposite of contains
      • begins with: matches at the start of the value
      • ends with: matches at the end of the value
      • in list: separate your values with a comma (,) and it will search for exact matches for anything in that list
    • Value: what do you want to match?
    • Include Columns: Several of these are pre-selected. Anything you select here will show up on the results page

    In order to search by multiple criteria, click the plus button directly to the right of the search criterion. To remove a criterion click the minus to the corresponding selection

    Once you have selected your criteria and configured your search, hit search and you will see the results

    Search Results

    Here, if you have ticket access, you will see the "Update" link to take you to tickets, and optionally the "Feedback" link to push that ticket to the feedback portal.

  5. Manage Users

    You may create and edit users on the Ticketing System, allowing your agents access to all of the reports and Administrative tools you have access to, or restricting it based on the user's needs

    Manage Users Screen

    To do so, choose a company if applicable, and you will see a list of logins/passwords for that company

    Clicking on any of these logins will allow you to see which accesses they have and gives you the ability to modify or delete them. To select multiple accesses, hold down your CTRL key while selecting.

    You may also add a new login by clicking the link.

  6. Reporting

    You will find all of the reports here to see how we are handling your customers
    Most reports will give you access to output your results to a csv file, and allow you to order your columns with the gray box at the top

    Main Reporting Page

    1. Call Statistics

      Call Statistics
      This report divides up your calls based on a WorkGroup we have defined and totals may not add up to the number of calls coming in because of transfers.

      Choosing a date range produces stats for each day at a time, choosing that particular day shows stats based on 30 minute increments

      ACD stands for Active Call Distribution, and just means the calls we answered
      ACW stands for After Call Work and means the amount of time we spent working on the issue after disconnecting with the customer

    2. Resolution

      This is a Ticket based resolution percentage based on the time frame you select

       Resolution Report

    3. Escalation Percent

      Should tell you the number of calls sent via email to you over the given time frame

      Escalation Percent

    4. Aggregate Statistics

      This is comprised of two reports, based on Operating System and Problem Type. T/N allows you to enter a telephone number to specify a particular subscriber

      • Operating System
        Operating Systems
      • Problem Type
        Problem Type

        Level 1 is the widest view of problem type, each subsequent Level shows a more clear picture of exactly what problem types exist and how prevalent they are
    5. Distinct Callers

      Show a list of distinct usernames that we have had interactions with in the given time frame
      Distinct Caller

    6. Multiple Callers

      Shows a list of subscribers that have called in multiple times in the given time frame
      Multiple Callers

    7. Customer Signups

      Whether we send anyone looking to sign up for internet service to your billing department to handle, or we have access to sign these people up, this report will show you who has called in looking for internet service
      Customer Signup
      You may click on the usernames here to see Interactions we've had with them.